Change Registered Office

Creating Enterprenuers & Simplifying Compliances

Change Registered Office

Creating Enterprenuers & Simplifying Compliances

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Change Registered Office

The Registered office of a company or an LLP is the principal place of business activities, where all official communication and reminders will be sent. The registered address of the company must always be an effective address for receiving necessary communications, and to avoid delays it is important that all correspondence sent to this address is dealt with promptly.

Modes to change registered office:

  • From one place to another within limits of the same city or town.
  • Place outside local limits but within the same state under the jurisdiction of the same ROC.
  • Change in office from the jurisdiction of one ROC to that of another.
  • One state to another.

To change a registered office within local limits, town or village, a notice of change has to be given to the respective registrar within 30 days of such change. In case the registered office is to be changed from one village, town, city to another within a state then, a special resolution is required to be passed.

But when the registered office is to be changed from one state to another then along with a special resolution confirmation from company law board is required. In addition to this, an advertisement in newspaper proposing the change and notice to state government is to be given. Refer to our detailed process for change in registered address.


  • Registered Office- The Registered office of a company or LLP is the principal place of business as all official correspondence from the Ministry of Corporate Affairs is sent to this location.
  • Residential Address- Company or LLP can have registered office at residential address also.
  • Books of Accounts- Book of Accounts of the Company or LLP must be maintained at the Registered Office of the Company.